Legit PTC


Don't waste your time clicking on unworthy soon to be scam ptc,here's the list for the trusted and legit ptc.

Clixsense,min payment $8

Buxinside,min payment 2 Euro

Paidtoclick,min payment $0.05

Jillsclickcorner,min payment $1

Saiphptc,min payment $0.05

Paidverts,min payment $1

Cashtravel,min payment $0.05

Twickerz,min payment $2

Goldenclix,min payment $5

Northclicks,min payment $1

Scarletclicks,min payment $2

Cliquesteria,min payment $5

Bitsforclicks,min payment $0.3 or 0.0003 BTC

Clickforbtc,min payment $0.3 or 0.0003 BTC

Adbtc.top,min payment $0.25 or 0.00025 BTC